
Good Morning America! Have Some Hate With That Waffle!

Well, American mornings are about to get a lot friendlier, as the ABC morning show "Good Morning America" has just signed Glenn Beck as a commentator on its program. Here's a peek at Glenn's illustrious track record on CNN:  

On August 10 and September 5, 2006, Beck stated that Arab and Muslim Americans are apathetic to terrorism—completely ignoring the positive contributions of the community, especially in regard to national security—and warned that Muslims "who have sat on [their] hands the whole time rather than 'lining up to shoot the bad Muslims in the head' will face dire consequences. One of those consequences being that Muslims will be "looking through a razor wire fence at the West."

On November 14, 2006, Beck interviewed then Congressman-elect Keith Ellison and asked him to "prove to me that you are not working with our enemies" simply because of Ellison's religious affiliation.

On November 15, 2006, Beck said he was surprised by an American criticizing Al Qaeda because "the man who wrote it is a Muslim."

Here's the ADC's (American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee) letter to ABC and their response:
http://adc.org/Doc/Joint%20Letter%20to%20Beck.doc http://adc.org/PDF/ABC%20Glenn%20Beck%20Reply%20Letter.pdf   

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