
Frank's response to the News-Leader article

Frank was one of the homeless men interviewed for the Springfield News-Leader article last week. Here is some of his response to her article: [12/15, After consulting with Frank and my dad, I have edited this down to just a few of Frank's sentiments. Not everything needs archiving on this blog. Since all this happened, the police have been much more agreeable and helpful. The weather has warmed up considerably and that helps too.]

. . . . that it is also a violation according to the local police for a homeless person to walk, stand or sit on a street corner or in the alleys. It is also a violation to say in the city parks, bus stops or (according to the police) anywhere in the Springfield City Limits. I also said that I have not mastered levitation yet. I wish I could so I wouldn’t be breaking any laws.

“There are life safety issues.”

Yes, and that is why Rev. Rice is trying to save some lives. It is too late for our buddy Mike who died last week in an abandoned house from alcohol poisoning only in his mid-30s. Rev. Rice as we all feel guilty that he could not reach the safety of the FREE STORE. I’m not sure why you failed to write these facts down as we spilled our hearts out to you, assuming that you had compassion and sincere concern for the homeless.

Lincoln once said, “Those who are willing to give up their freedom for their safety do not deserve either one.” I love this country and paid a great sacrifice. I have lived here for more than a quarter century and the longer I live here the more it reminds me of the same place I have escaped from. Obviously I could not be a News reporter as my personal dignity is more than a job. No wonder that I’m still homeless.

Thank You, Frank.

This letter reflects the reality of the situation from the point of view of someone living it. Many people in Springfield are saying "There are plenty of shelters. This city works." But Frank tells us what he knows from having sought help at each one. I keep thinking there's got to be an easy way to survey this whole situation, talk to all parties involved, sit down with the city officials and find out how they thought this law would help anyone. What that assumes is that people want to talk, listen, and act. Let's pray that happens.

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