
Move over Robertson and Lahaye

I know that bad press is better than no press at all, so I shouldn't be saying anything at all. Nevertheless, Tim Lahaye and Pat Robertson have had their due. John Hagee makes these guys look like playschool children. When it comes to spreading hate and lies Hagee takes rhetoric to the next level. If Robertson makes the press squirm why isn't Hagee even on the radar? In his new book Jerusalem Countdown he predicts an attack on Jerusalem by Iran and the Pentagon's plan for use of nukes against seven countries. As long as we're on the right side (Israel) we've got nothing to fear. The elephant in the room however is the question "Whose side is Israel on?" John Hagee's? I am baffled at how TBN could ditch Hal Lindsey for hateful rhetoric and think that somehow John Hagee is so much nicer. He writes:
"This is a religious war that Islam cannot--and must not--win. It was God Himself who have the land of Israel to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and their descendants forever. Israel belongs to God and to His chosen people, the Jews. And God holds the future of Israel in His hands, and it will be a glorious future."
Our prayers should be for the kids who get raised here in America hearing this kind of hateful crap day in and day out. Quite honestly I see little difference between this and the white supremist language our society so abhors. Its true the Jews and Blacks used to be the brunt of Christian hate rhetoric. John Hagee is one insuring that in this century it will be the Arabs. Hey Washington, one of your biggest friends in the War on Terror may just be a volatile reverse-jihadist.
Let me make it clear, Hagee is a war monger plain and simple. Thankfully he doesn't speak for Jesus or the Christian position.


JC said...

It's weird...John Hagee reminds me of a Baptist preacher who took over the pastorage at the church I went to when I was saved (in the late 70's)...same look, same flag waving rhetoric, same strict uptight aura coming off of him in waves...He'd replaced one of the sweetest, most God-fearing and loving pastors I have ever known. It boggled my mind and played a big role in my decision to attend a different church. That church (a United Methodist) had a pastor who was soft-spoken and full of wisdom, the total opposite of the guy who'd just got the job at the Baptist church. And the crazy thing was that these two pastors of such different methods became very close friends, you could find them together just about every day at the local restaraunt having a cup of coffee together and always engaged in spirited discussion. It was so bizarre, because they were such polar opposites and they probably had their share of theological differences of opinion, but there they were, laughing, conversing, fellowshipping...it was inspiring to see. I'm not trying to make any point here, just sharing, and I guess I'm wasting your time...I just think it's cool how our Lord loves us all despite our inadequacies and shortcomings, and how a shared love for Jesus can bring together such disparate personalities, paving the way for true communication. I enjoyed your blog...and I don't know if you're the same Chris Rice who wrote and recorded "Deep Enough to Dream" and "The Other Side of the Radio", but if you are, Bravo! Keep up the good work either way.

chris said...

"same look, same flag waving rhetoric, same strict uptight aura coming off of him in waves"

Hagee is more than a personality though. He now represents his own little Empire. His influence, socially and politically, are having an impact on the South and America that should be measured and addressed. I want to know how many kids are coming up believing his propaganda and how far the hate rhetoric is spreading.