
JPUSA movies

If you're interested in some videos of JPUSA life check this out from my friend Nathan Cameron:

Over the past few years, many people have expressed to me how they would like to be able to see and share some of our JPUSA movies with friends and family. Now due to video sharing website such as Google Video, YouTube, and MySpace this is now easier than ever. For starters you can view a few movies made by various members(and former members) at the DM MySpace  page or click on these links.

Resurrection: This is a film that Mike Troxel made a few years ago for the Fest 4 Us

Our House: This is a film by Debbie Baumgartner.

Darrel at JPUSA: This is a film that Darrel and I made about what he does here at JPUSA.

So here are some tools you can use to show people a little bit more about who and what we are. Also If you feel inspired to video your take on community please do so. Everybody has a unique experience and you are the best person to convey that to others. 

Nathan Cameron

Lux in ferebris lucet, et fenebra eam non comprehenderunt. -J1:5-

PS: You can also look at some of the fun Fest 4 Us Movies of the past

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