
Home again with the kids today. Wife is at public aid trying to get us back on after a routine boot just for their jollies. She had the woman there lay down the phone on her for 50 min. yesterday. She sat there on the phone, not on hold but with the reciever down. How can people be so rude?

Anyway I'm sick of complaining about my job. Ever have a job you love but that you don't want to do alone? That's mine. I feel so isolated. Anyway I'm tired of describing my feelings about it. Umpteen times now. But when jon gets back tomorrow or today or whenever he feels like it the vein's gonna have to open again--big time! I've been asking folks to pray. God's the only one that in the end has any direct bearing on what happens 'sides me. I'm just so tired of being alone.

I could go on and on about how I've felt alone and rejected all my life but the violins would start and the skies would open and a voice would say "Enough already!"


Hey there I'm home today with my little girls. My wife's doing laundry so I'm here watching them. So much has changed in my life since I last wrote. I'm usually down in the dumps these days. Changes at work. I'm alone now in my job so its really depressing. I try not to think about it but its hard not to. So my personal issues are getting worse. And my friend who I normally talk to is on vacation. And I'm not being honest about things anymore either. That's not cool. But life continues on. God I hope it changes soon. Maybe I gotta change jobs. Work in a new area. I like this one a lot but not doing it alone. God please help me. Its really hard to rejoicein the Lord when I'm so messed up.