
Top 20 List

Alas I too have succumb to the pressure. . . Here's my

Top 20 Books list originally presented by Ben Myers.

20. No Compromise by Melody Green and David Hazard
19. Blood Brothers by Elias Chacour and David Hazard
18. Cotton Patch Evidence by Dallas Lee
17. Hammers & Nails: the Life and Music of Mark Heard by Matthew Dickerson
16. After Fundamentalism by Bernard Ramm
15. With Open Hands by Henri Nouwen
14. Reaching Out by Henri Nouwen
13. The 1979 Book of Common Prayer
12. Humanization and the Politics of God: The Koinonia Ethics of Paul Lehmann by Nancy Duff
11. Bonhoeffer as Martyr by Craig Slane
We Wish to Inform You that tomorrow we will be killed with our families by Philip Gourevitch
The Epistle to the Romans by Karl Barth
The Revised English Bible
Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Presence of the Kingdom by Jacques Ellul
5. Community and Growth by Jean Vanier
4. On Love by Josef Pieper
3. Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
2. Dogmatics in Outline by Karl Barth
1. Prayer by Karl Barth

This is an eclectic sort of list. It reflects the things that have always been part of my life: music, politics, prayer, community, and faith.


byron smith said...

Barth and Bonhoeffer seem to take a lot of the top honours here!
Thanks for sharing.

::aaron g:: said...

My favourite Nouwen book is Creative Ministry.

Alex said...

I noticed Elias Chacour's book on your list. I wonder if you've read Gary Burge's "Whose Land, Whose Promise?" It sends a similar message and really opened my eyes up to what really happened and is happening over there. Because it was such a radically different view and history than what I'm used to, I rate it as one of my most influential books. Anyway, just thought it was interesting that we both cite books about this topic on our list of greatest influences.

chris said...


I haven't read Gary Burge's book but I've heard about him. I'm glad that you too care about this topic. As for Elias Chacour, I had the privelege of traveling to Ibillin and meeting him personally. Check out their work at http://meei.org. I still connect with a friend I made in Bethlehem who works with the Alternative Tourism Group. I hope to make it back there some day.
