
Bonhoeffer Ethics website

There is so much new attention to Dietrich Bonhoeffer these days that I almost fear a Bonhoeffer fatigue will result with this new generation of scholarship. When I began reading him in the late eighties and early nineties I didn't know anyone with much interest. I remember a conversation with my theology professor over lunch. I asked "What do you think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's book on the Psalms?" His reply was "Dietrich Bonhoeffer? I guess the best thing I've got to say about him is that his approach to the Bible offered him comfort in prison." While I valued this professor's thoughts very much at the time, I got the feeling Bonhoeffer was too liberal for his Westminster training. They measured everything by a reformed epistemology canon. Only years later did I learn the full extent of how strict that canon was. This same professor made the comment that "if your theology is wrong you will burn in hell!" Well, that's a tangent.

Richard Gillingham of Sub Ratione Dei has a Dietrich Bonhoeffer Resource site with up-to-date links that give some great background on Bonhoeffer. This site is not yet high on Google's list for the search term "Dietrich Bonhoeffer" but it should be.

1 comment:

Iterations said...

Thanks for the plug!

I submitted the site to a few search engines a few days ago so hopefully this will show up a little better on search engines in the near future.